August Post

Long time no see, my blog.. ._.

One week ago, 3rd august was my 18th birthday.. haha
Thanks all for the wishes ^^
I really appreciate it :)
On my birthday, I prayed for my beloved Dad, Mom, Sis, bestfriends, and all my friends.
I always grateful for having them in my life.
I love my family so much! ^^
And of course I wish for some things ^^ haha
One of them, I hope the major and the university I chose it the best for me.
And thanks cik Fanny for the surprise cake. LOL

Finally I ordered Super Junior 6jib Repackage - SPY ^^
Maybe will arrive 3 weeks later =.=
can't wait!! >.<
I like all of the 4 additional songs.
But I like Only U the most. I like it since the first time I listen to it.
Leeteuk wrote and composed this song ^^
I like the rap part. Eunhyuk and Shindong did it so well~~
What a very nice song. And this song always make me cry TT hahaha
So touching, it's about love between SJ and ELF.
And you know,
this lyrics.. are.. SO TRUE...
Leeteuk oppa! It's really hard for me to see the empty space you left for the military service.
But! Don't worry. We will wait for you until you comeback on the stage with SJ :')
I'm already your fan since 4 years ago. So, I think waiting 2 years will be OK for me. LOL

I'm wondering when will I able to see you in person...
*crying inside* kkkkk~

The 2nd song I like is HARU. This song is written by Donghae.
I like this song so much too. The melody and the beat are so cacthy.
The other song, Outsider and SPY is also easy listening.
I'm waiting for SPY Full MV now.. The teaser is already out in 3rd August.
They are look like James Bond(s) haha~

I think Im gna share the lyrics ^^
After this post, k~ :)


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