Last day of school :(

Well, today is my last day of school..
This Monday until Thursday, im gonna have national final exam.
Then, we will graduate.
Honestly i hate school. lol~
but I dont know why I feel so sad now :'(
Its totally different with the graduation from junior high school.
Because I know I can still meet my friends in Senior high school.
But now? We will be separated. We will go to different college, in different city, even study aboard.
Seriously, I will miss all my high school friends, the teachers, the school, the subjects (lol yeah i will miss it somehow.), the cafetaria food, the school building, everything.
Tiap sudut sekolah itu ada memory nya :))
Dari yang bagus2, sampe yang jelek2 kayak cabut, denger musik d kelas, bbm an, dll.
hahahaha... biasa yang lebih berkesan yang jelek2 sih x_x hahaha
Hmm.. pelajaran OR yang paling aku suka tu kasti.. kapan ya bisa maen kasti lagi?

Pak Yudi eko, Pak Petrus guru BK, Pak Yo, Bu Yulia geo, Miss Mimin, Mr Dani, Miss Ima, Pak Kris, Pak Nana, Miss Riani, Pak Adi tari, Pak Heru, Laoshi Aswin, Pak Ungguh, Pak Budi, Bu Rossi, Pak Wi, Pak Denny, etc.
I will miss you all ^^
Thanks buat ilmunya :)

Eh btw, i just finished watching THOR. hahahhah
This was the last move we watched at computer class.
But we hvnt finished watch it, so i lent the dvd from vella :p
I love this movie !!
Cool ! hahahah.. and also wondering what if Thor really does exist... lol
I love Marvel Studios movies :D

And......about my final exam..
wish me luck ^^
God bless us.


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