2 bulan lagi...

Ga kerasa udah hampir lulus SMA..
Perasaan baru aja kemaren masuk SMA 1 :')
Masih inget hari pertama masuk SMA.. dateng ke skolah pake seragam putih abu2, ketawa2 liat temen2 laen yang jg pake seragam sma.. that was awkward. haha
Trs tiba2 ketemu temen Sd ku namanya Nia yang terakhir ketemu di Sd.. trnyt dia msk kartur.. hwahaha
Aahh..keinget jg waktu acara oskar gt.. yang murid2 baru d kerjain.. hwhaaha
Why time goes by so fast? TT
well honestly, i dont really like school.. hahaha
but im sure i will miss high school. a lot.
Kmrn2 d suruh ngisi biodata n kesan pesan buat d masukkin d year book.
Aku sih ngisi : "High School is the most memorable phase in life. Keep in touch."

barusan udh nulis panjang lebar..tau2 error sign out sendiri TT
yg ke save cm sampe yg d atas itu.. huff..


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