Finally I post something on October! :p

Yak! Where shud i start...
Its been so long I nvr post something to this blog.

I went to Taiwan this June 19 until July 16, 2011.
I went there for summer school at Zhong Yuan Da Xue (Chung Yuan Christian University)
There are 80 Indonesian students including me :p
I had lots of fun there. Im so happy and enjoy everything when I was there.
I lived in ZhongLi. It's quite near from Taipei. Maybe ard 45 minutes with train.
Our last day in Taiwan, it was full of tears.
Aish, so many memories that I will nvr forget forever.
Unable to write it here. It's too muchhh !! hahaha :')

Wo yong yuan dou bu hui wang ji ni men de! ^-^
Mei tian xiang ni men o~ TT
Fudaoyuan men! Ni men shuo, ming nian yao dao Yinni qu wan~
Wo deng ni men!! Haha
Can't wait to see u all next year. *hugs*

After back to Indo, I started my daily activity.
Go to school.
as usual and nothing special.

until my sis came to Indo!
August 7, she arrived at Semarang after 1 week in Jakarta.
On Agusut 7 night, I celebrated my birthday party with my friends and family in Santai Ria resto. Haha

oh! I remember smth. My bday is August 3, it was Wednesday.
And u know what? My friends was making fun of me =.=
On the last periode of the english class, the teacher went meeting. There was no teacher in the classroom. My friends said the teacher asked us to go to the corridor. Then without me knowing, they threw me with 20 eggs (it hurts. lol), and water, and finaly,, flour.
x_x can u imagine how i looked like? better dont. haha
Suddenly, my english teacher came. He was so angry with us.
Because the class hdnt over yet, but we were playing with water etc.
And he blame on me whereas i dont know anything. (-.-")>
d*mn~ hahaha
The teacher said, "u know what. this is my last day teaching all of u. Thts why i had a meeting. are u happy now?!!"
I said, "hm? no."
and the teacher said, "but im happy for u. HAPPY BIRTHDAY~"
and i was like.. errr.... =.= then all my friends laughed.
haizz.. hahaha... i nvr expected this. They made evrything seemed so natural.
hahah~ Thx for San2, and every one in my class.
U know wht, this is so unforgettable.
Im nt angry. Bcz i knw that was my last bday on Senior High School.
They say Senior High School is the most beautiful time in ur life.
So whatever u guys did on my bday, i accept it.
._. lol
And big thx to all my friends who came to my bday dinner :)
thx for the presents... I got surprise agn in my bday dinner..
ahahha... Dian n Tata asked me to took some pics outside the resto.
When I went back to the dining room, it was dark, and my friends hanging a candle.
sweet! haha
And they also gave me bday cake. So I had 2 bday cakes ^~^ hahahaha
Thx guys! xoxo~
My 17th bday was so special bcs of u all ;)

Umm, back to the story. haha
My sis stayed in Smg 1 week. Then she went to Taiwan 2 weeks.
She bought so muchhh thinggg!!! *envy* *envy* ahahha
But she gave me some dresses :P and shoes.. and my fav foods!! hahaha yey~
Oyaa,,, Taiwan de paomian hen haochi lorrrr~. hahaa
Then, she came back to Indo for 2 weeks, and then back to Melbourne.
I being "one-only child" agn my my house. lol

Couple weeks ago, I watched a video on Youtube.
Unequality by Mild. Thai singer. 555
I love this song! hehehe
I wish I cud find the lyrics ._.

Btw, where shud i continue my study?
Melb, Tw, or where?

Gottago~ so hungry now.




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