Foto katalog lagii...

Foto buat sponsor katalog yg d BSB ga jadii d pakee..
Terlalu kecil2 gt ...
Tgl 15 Feb foto d BSB..
Richard, banawi, ronald, charles, pola,yo2n, smel bw mbl, fadli n wisnu bw kndaraan..
Bar tu qta mkn2 d GGS.. Seru oq.. hoho
Trz akhire qta foto lagi d Marina kmrn Rabu tgl 10~
Pul skul,, lgsg naek mbl e richard ke rumahe melly n christian seq buat numpang ganti baju d sana.. he3
Biz tu brgkt k marina dehh~
Qta brenti d dpn pintu masuk dulu nunggu yg laen jg...
Pas ak ngadem d mbl e san2,, ak d tny i lisa, "stef, km isa nyetir ?"
Ak jwb, "lmyn.."
Dn ngomong, "stef,, coba setir mbo an~"
Dn maksa.. Y wes ak nyetir mbl e san2.. hehehe
Tp mulai pintu msk e marina,, mpe masuk marina ne gitu.. bwakakkaaka
Thx bwt yg dah ngajari nyetir matic.. ha3 :p
Trz kita foto2 dewe~
Biasalah.. narsis2.. hahaha
Pas ak ge foto d deket air, tw2 ombak e dateng.. Akhire bajuQ n tmn2 bagian blkg e basah~
Tpii untung cm blkg e.. hoho
Seru lah,, nq pergi ma tmn2 gt.. wkwkwkwkwk

Kmrn terima rapor mid~
Kata tmn2 c hasil e lmyn lah..
Tp bsok harus isa lebih apik lg..

Ini ada lagu yg ta suka jg~

Love Paradise
by : Kelly Chen

You're always on my mind
All day just all the time
You're everything to me
Brightest star to let me see
You touch me in my dreams
We kiss in every scene
I pray to be with you through rain and shiny days

I'll love you till I die
Deep as sea
Wide as sky
The beauty of our love paints rainbows
Everywhere we go
Need you all my life
You're my hope
You're my pride
In your arms I find my heaven
In your eyes my sea and sky
May life our love paradise

You're always on my mind
All day just all the time
You're everything to me
Brightest star to let me see
You touch me in my dreams
We kiss in every scene
I pray to be with you through rain and shiny days

I'll love you till I die
Deep as sea
Wide as sky
The beauty of our love paints rainbows
Everywhere we go
Need you all my life
You're my hope
You're my pride
In your arms I find my heaven
In your eyes my sea and sky
May life our love paradise

I'll love you till I die
Deep as sea
Wide as sky
The beauty of our love paints rainbows
Everywhere we go
Need you all my life
You're my hope
You're my pride
In your arms I find my heaven
In your eyes my sea and sky
May life our love paradise



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