Moodku hari ni rasane berantakan...
Bntar BT abiz,, bentar seneng.. Skg BT lagiii...
Wae ? Wae ? Wae ?
Nan dulma beorigetneunde... Mpe ta tulis d status fbQ ...
Class meeting hari ni seharian ak d kelas...
Tiduran d meja, edan2an ma tmn2, etc..
Pul jam 11 td..
Tmn2 cow sempet cek-cok ma satpam..
Trus mo2 ngomong,, "lho, boleh pulang ama bu sulis oq !"
Trus akhir e satpam e mbolehin mreka pul,, trus ak,dll ikut nyusul keluar skalian. he3
Bar tu mo" ngomong lagi ma satpam e, "Bu sulis tu sing kriting kwi lo,pak !"
wkwkwkkwwk.. edan"...
Kmrn e pas ak sms an ma N tu aneh bgt wezz..
bahasane pake bahasa politik gt.. wkkwk
Pertama ne pas ngomongke ttg uus,, dn ngomong gni,
"nd pa.. kita hrs menatap masa dpn dgn penuh keyakinan dan tanpa keragu2an yg terngiang2 karena pikiran kita.. wkwkk"
Trus ta onekke, "ejian.. wkwk.. kerasukan opo kwe?"
dn jwb,
"saya tidak mengerti, entah ada roh yg terdistribusi sehingga menyebabkan efek yang distruktif.. (halah).. wkwkwk"
Katane tu bahasa cah2 politik...
Ak ngo,, "wah .. ternyata anda mulai tertarik dgn kancah dunia politik.."
trz dn blz,
"begitulah ibu presiden...politik adalah hal yang sangat perlu dlm kehidupan bermasyarakat dan dlm bentuk legislatif maupun perserikatan partai2 yg ada.. wkwk.. kenter2..."
y wes skalian ta bales i pake bahasa yg ak sendiri ga mudeng artine..wkwkwk
ta jwb,
"ya mmg bnr. kita hrs tingkatkan kualisi partai pltik.. trutama utk memajukan demokrasi supaya anggaran taun ini bsa utk kerjasama politik n ekonomi dgn negara2 bntukan PBB...*uopooo kii.. wkwkkw*"
ta sauti ky gt sisan to.. wkwkwk... ak ae ga mudeng ak ngomong apa oq..
Pak doyok lucu bgt..
Nq ngonekke cow2 d kelasQ tu,
"sombong, tinggi hati, congkak !", etc.. pokok e sinonim2 gt lah.. wkwk
Trz nq dah smua ngguyu,, bapake ngomong,, "cukup~"
Pas ul BJ tu ad yg meh ngepek gt.. trus d blg, "wes... jo tolah toleh... culek sisan kwe! "
Lha pas kapanan e tu guru BI kelas 11 pa 12 tu msk kelas e pak doyok..
meh pnjm spidol..
Trus pak doyok blg, "wah.. ga ada iq.. ni lo, cm 1..."
trus bgitu gurune pergi,, bapak e ngluarke 2 spidol warna orange n ijo sambil ngomong,, "hehe.. padahal jek ono loro~"
lucu bgt wez nq denger gayane dn nq ngomong.. wkwk
pizz".. ^^
Karena skg dah mulai bebas.. alias ga da pelajaran..
Jd skg ak meh agak rajin2 ngeblog.. he3
Thx buat Lisa,dkk sing kerjaan e nglucu terus...
U make me smile... =)
Ga cm smile dink,, bahkan Laugh Out Loud.. XD
Akhir2 ni ga banyak topik yg isa ta ceritain iq...
Kbnykan tergolong 'sampah' rasane...
Y tp ni tempat sampahQ..
Tmpt d mana ak isa ngomong sak sukaQ..
Ak isa ngmg apa yang pgn ta omongin...
ada yg baca atau ga si ga peduli..
yg penting bisa nulis whats on my mind. haha
Spt biasaaa...
ada lirik laguu... wkwkkwkwkwk
(Koe Wo Kikasete) Let Me Hear Your Voice
by : Big Bang
Sakki made no ame wa mou agatte
Asufaruto tadayou machi no nioi
Nee socchi mo mou hareteruyone
Nishi kara kaifuku suru te
Asa wa nigate na kimi dakaranee
Mainichi chanto okirareterukai?
Sonna koto imada ni shinpai shiteruyo
Hirogaru sora wa sou jiyuu de
Nani mo kawatte naikeredo
Tonari ni ima wa tada
Tada kimi ga inaidake
Koe wo kikasete
Sunao ni nareba kitto
Wakariaeru hazu sa
Kokoro wo hiraite
Koe wo kikasete
Aruitekita michi wa
Bokutachi ni totte kitto
Taisetsu na stepu sa
Sono mirai e no
Kimi to hajimete deatta no wa sou
Choudo ima kurai no kisetsu dattane
Raito appu shita machinami ga
Kirei ni kagayaiteita
Nakimushi na kimi wa arekara yoku
Boku no kata ni odeko wo nokkete
Naitetane sono nukumori ni
Mushou ni furetakunaru
Hito wa dare demo sorezore ni Nayami wo kakaete ikiru
Kowaresou na kokoro wo hisshi ni dakishimete
Koe wo kikasete
Yasashi kunareba motto
Aishiaeru hazu sa
Me wo sora sanaide
Koe wo kikasete
Karamitsuku fuan mo
Samishisa mo koeteikou
Ima no kono kimochi ga
Kizuna ni naru
Yeah, Since you went away hasn't been the same
In my heart all I got is pain
Could it be that I played a game to lose you, I can't maintain
Sunlight moonlight you lit my life realize in the night
While love shines bright
Can't let you go
We're meant for forever baby let me know
Days passed without you, can't forget you
Letting me be the cloud hanging above me
Raining on me missing you touch
Nights get long and it's hard to clutch
We're apart, breaks my heart
Its all for the best girl you're my world
In time my love unfurls
'Til then I'll wait for you girl
Koe wo kikasete
Sunao ni nareba kitto
Wakariaeru hazu sa
Kokoro wo hiraite
Koe wo kikasete
Aruitekita michi wa
Bokutachi ni totte kitto
Taisetsu na stepu sa
Sono mirai e no
ねえそっちも もう晴れてるよね
大切なSTEPさ その未来への
泣いてたね その温もりに
Yeah, Since you went away hasn't been the same
In my heart all I got is pain
Could it be that I played a game to lose you, I can't maintain
Sunlight, moonlight you lit my life realize in the night
Why love shines bright
Can't let you go we were meant forever baby let me know
Days passed without you, can't forget you
Let me be the cloud hanging above me
Raining on me missing you touch
Nights get long and it's hard to clutch
We're apart, breaks my heart
Its all for the best girl you're my world
In time my love unfurls
Till then wait for you girl
大切なSTEPさ その未来への
Translation :
The rain just now has stopped
The smell of asphalt is floating around the city
Hey, over there too, the weather is fine already right?
For the weather has cleared up from the west (***)
Since you’re not a morning person
Everyday, will you be able to wake up properly?
I’m still worried about things like that
With freedom like the spreading sky
Nothing is changing, but
Next to me now, it's just… it’s only just that you aren't here
Let me hear your voice
If we become honest, surely
We'll be able to understand each other
Please open your heart
Let me hear your voice
The path we have come is, for us, definitely
An important STEP to that future
The first time I met you was
Around this season right?
The lit up street
Glowed so beautifully
You were a crybaby, after that you often
Laid your forehead on my shoulder
Crying right?
Wanting to feel my warmth for nothing
Everyone lives, carrying their own troubles
Desperately holding his broken heart
Let me hear your voice
If we become more kind
We'll be able to love each other
Don’t avert your eyes
Let me hear your voice
Let's get over those entwined anxieties and loneliness
The feelings of this moment become our bond
Yeah, Since you went away hasn't been the same
In my heart all I got is pain
Could it be that I played a game to lose you, I can't maintain
Sunlight, moonlight you lit my life realize in the night
Why love shines bright
Cant let you go we were meant forever baby let me know
Days passed without you, can't forget you
Let me be the cloud hanging above me
Raining on me missing you touch
Nights get long and it's hard to clutch
We're apart, breaks my heart
Its all for the best girl you're my world
In time my love unfurls
Till then wait for you girl
Let me hear your voice
If we become honest, surely
We'll be able to understand each other
Please open your heart
Let me hear your voice
The path we have come is, for us, surely
An important STEP to that future
source : jpopasia.com

(Big Bang)
Saeng il chukha hamnida,, Junsu Oppa !!!!!!
OppaQ yg 1 ni hari ni ultah nehhh.. hehehehe
No no no no~
Ada 2 oppa...
Junsu kan pny kembaran namane Junho..
So, Saeng il chukha hamnida, Junsu oppa n Junho oppa !
Well, i think they're unidentical twins..

Moodku hari ni rasane berantakan...
Bntar BT abiz,, bentar seneng.. Skg BT lagiii...
Wae ? Wae ? Wae ?
Nan dulma beorigetneunde... Mpe ta tulis d status fbQ ...
Class meeting hari ni seharian ak d kelas...
Tiduran d meja, edan2an ma tmn2, etc..
Pul jam 11 td..
Tmn2 cow sempet cek-cok ma satpam..
Trus mo2 ngomong,, "lho, boleh pulang ama bu sulis oq !"
Trus akhir e satpam e mbolehin mreka pul,, trus ak,dll ikut nyusul keluar skalian. he3
Bar tu mo" ngomong lagi ma satpam e, "Bu sulis tu sing kriting kwi lo,pak !"
wkwkwkkwwk.. edan"...
Kmrn e pas ak sms an ma N tu aneh bgt wezz..
bahasane pake bahasa politik gt.. wkkwk
Pertama ne pas ngomongke ttg uus,, dn ngomong gni,
"nd pa.. kita hrs menatap masa dpn dgn penuh keyakinan dan tanpa keragu2an yg terngiang2 karena pikiran kita.. wkwkk"
Trus ta onekke, "ejian.. wkwk.. kerasukan opo kwe?"
dn jwb,
"saya tidak mengerti, entah ada roh yg terdistribusi sehingga menyebabkan efek yang distruktif.. (halah).. wkwkwk"
Katane tu bahasa cah2 politik...
Ak ngo,, "wah .. ternyata anda mulai tertarik dgn kancah dunia politik.."
trz dn blz,
"begitulah ibu presiden...politik adalah hal yang sangat perlu dlm kehidupan bermasyarakat dan dlm bentuk legislatif maupun perserikatan partai2 yg ada.. wkwk.. kenter2..."
y wes skalian ta bales i pake bahasa yg ak sendiri ga mudeng artine..wkwkwk
ta jwb,
"ya mmg bnr. kita hrs tingkatkan kualisi partai pltik.. trutama utk memajukan demokrasi supaya anggaran taun ini bsa utk kerjasama politik n ekonomi dgn negara2 bntukan PBB...*uopooo kii.. wkwkkw*"
ta sauti ky gt sisan to.. wkwkwk... ak ae ga mudeng ak ngomong apa oq..
Pak doyok lucu bgt..
Nq ngonekke cow2 d kelasQ tu,
"sombong, tinggi hati, congkak !", etc.. pokok e sinonim2 gt lah.. wkwk
Trz nq dah smua ngguyu,, bapake ngomong,, "cukup~"
Pas ul BJ tu ad yg meh ngepek gt.. trus d blg, "wes... jo tolah toleh... culek sisan kwe! "
Lha pas kapanan e tu guru BI kelas 11 pa 12 tu msk kelas e pak doyok..
meh pnjm spidol..
Trus pak doyok blg, "wah.. ga ada iq.. ni lo, cm 1..."
trus bgitu gurune pergi,, bapak e ngluarke 2 spidol warna orange n ijo sambil ngomong,, "hehe.. padahal jek ono loro~"
lucu bgt wez nq denger gayane dn nq ngomong.. wkwk
pizz".. ^^
Karena skg dah mulai bebas.. alias ga da pelajaran..
Jd skg ak meh agak rajin2 ngeblog.. he3
Thx buat Lisa,dkk sing kerjaan e nglucu terus...
U make me smile... =)
Ga cm smile dink,, bahkan Laugh Out Loud.. XD
Akhir2 ni ga banyak topik yg isa ta ceritain iq...
Kbnykan tergolong 'sampah' rasane...
Y tp ni tempat sampahQ..
Tmpt d mana ak isa ngomong sak sukaQ..
Ak isa ngmg apa yang pgn ta omongin...
ada yg baca atau ga si ga peduli..
yg penting bisa nulis whats on my mind. haha
Spt biasaaa...
ada lirik laguu... wkwkkwkwkwk
(Koe Wo Kikasete) Let Me Hear Your Voice
by : Big Bang
Sakki made no ame wa mou agatte
Asufaruto tadayou machi no nioi
Nee socchi mo mou hareteruyone
Nishi kara kaifuku suru te
Asa wa nigate na kimi dakaranee
Mainichi chanto okirareterukai?
Sonna koto imada ni shinpai shiteruyo
Hirogaru sora wa sou jiyuu de
Nani mo kawatte naikeredo
Tonari ni ima wa tada
Tada kimi ga inaidake
Koe wo kikasete
Sunao ni nareba kitto
Wakariaeru hazu sa
Kokoro wo hiraite
Koe wo kikasete
Aruitekita michi wa
Bokutachi ni totte kitto
Taisetsu na stepu sa
Sono mirai e no
Kimi to hajimete deatta no wa sou
Choudo ima kurai no kisetsu dattane
Raito appu shita machinami ga
Kirei ni kagayaiteita
Nakimushi na kimi wa arekara yoku
Boku no kata ni odeko wo nokkete
Naitetane sono nukumori ni
Mushou ni furetakunaru
Hito wa dare demo sorezore ni Nayami wo kakaete ikiru
Kowaresou na kokoro wo hisshi ni dakishimete
Koe wo kikasete
Yasashi kunareba motto
Aishiaeru hazu sa
Me wo sora sanaide
Koe wo kikasete
Karamitsuku fuan mo
Samishisa mo koeteikou
Ima no kono kimochi ga
Kizuna ni naru
Yeah, Since you went away hasn't been the same
In my heart all I got is pain
Could it be that I played a game to lose you, I can't maintain
Sunlight moonlight you lit my life realize in the night
While love shines bright
Can't let you go
We're meant for forever baby let me know
Days passed without you, can't forget you
Letting me be the cloud hanging above me
Raining on me missing you touch
Nights get long and it's hard to clutch
We're apart, breaks my heart
Its all for the best girl you're my world
In time my love unfurls
'Til then I'll wait for you girl
Koe wo kikasete
Sunao ni nareba kitto
Wakariaeru hazu sa
Kokoro wo hiraite
Koe wo kikasete
Aruitekita michi wa
Bokutachi ni totte kitto
Taisetsu na stepu sa
Sono mirai e no
ねえそっちも もう晴れてるよね
大切なSTEPさ その未来への
泣いてたね その温もりに
Yeah, Since you went away hasn't been the same
In my heart all I got is pain
Could it be that I played a game to lose you, I can't maintain
Sunlight, moonlight you lit my life realize in the night
Why love shines bright
Can't let you go we were meant forever baby let me know
Days passed without you, can't forget you
Let me be the cloud hanging above me
Raining on me missing you touch
Nights get long and it's hard to clutch
We're apart, breaks my heart
Its all for the best girl you're my world
In time my love unfurls
Till then wait for you girl
大切なSTEPさ その未来への
Translation :
The rain just now has stopped
The smell of asphalt is floating around the city
Hey, over there too, the weather is fine already right?
For the weather has cleared up from the west (***)
Since you’re not a morning person
Everyday, will you be able to wake up properly?
I’m still worried about things like that
With freedom like the spreading sky
Nothing is changing, but
Next to me now, it's just… it’s only just that you aren't here
Let me hear your voice
If we become honest, surely
We'll be able to understand each other
Please open your heart
Let me hear your voice
The path we have come is, for us, definitely
An important STEP to that future
The first time I met you was
Around this season right?
The lit up street
Glowed so beautifully
You were a crybaby, after that you often
Laid your forehead on my shoulder
Crying right?
Wanting to feel my warmth for nothing
Everyone lives, carrying their own troubles
Desperately holding his broken heart
Let me hear your voice
If we become more kind
We'll be able to love each other
Don’t avert your eyes
Let me hear your voice
Let's get over those entwined anxieties and loneliness
The feelings of this moment become our bond
Yeah, Since you went away hasn't been the same
In my heart all I got is pain
Could it be that I played a game to lose you, I can't maintain
Sunlight, moonlight you lit my life realize in the night
Why love shines bright
Cant let you go we were meant forever baby let me know
Days passed without you, can't forget you
Let me be the cloud hanging above me
Raining on me missing you touch
Nights get long and it's hard to clutch
We're apart, breaks my heart
Its all for the best girl you're my world
In time my love unfurls
Till then wait for you girl
Let me hear your voice
If we become honest, surely
We'll be able to understand each other
Please open your heart
Let me hear your voice
The path we have come is, for us, surely
An important STEP to that future
source : jpopasia.com

(Big Bang)
Saeng il chukha hamnida,, Junsu Oppa !!!!!!
OppaQ yg 1 ni hari ni ultah nehhh.. hehehehe
No no no no~
Ada 2 oppa...
Junsu kan pny kembaran namane Junho..
So, Saeng il chukha hamnida, Junsu oppa n Junho oppa !
Well, i think they're unidentical twins..

wew....koq dibilang tmpt sampah sie........
ReplyDeletemasterpiece ini wkwkwk
uweee.. hahaha
ReplyDeleteKan tempat sampah dalam arti tempat buat ngomongke apa ae yg pgn ta omongke.. hahaha